Cultured / V15N4 Now Online

Full Screen Issue

Publisher’s Note

By Mike Latronic

There’s a proverb that states, “No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”

Embrace the change of seasons as a simple truth. We can always hope for one more huge North-west swell, one last dry barrel at Vland or a super fun filled day taking off deep Rockies and riding 100 yards all the way across the point… But savor it. The seasons will change.

The one universal law is that all things evolve. And so it begins that our island weather, wind and waves will see a change into springtime. Calmer, cleaner conditions often greet our coasts in April so the good news is that if we do get some solid spring surf action, chances are it will be glorious for all you fellow surfers.

This issue prepares a medley of Spring treats and one story we did touches on the formal grom assault known as Billabong Bloodlines. Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!” says the late great comedian Robin Williams and you can be sure the three different “youth camps” of Bloodlines enjoyed this outlook while honing their skills on Oahu’s North Shore for a month.

Inside we touch on the passing of a great waterman and ambassador of surfing – George Downing. Former Freesurf Editor Daniel “Ikaika” Ito delivers a short aloha to the great man but you can bet we will follow up with a full biography of George’s fantastic yet humble journey in a future edition this summer.

Freesurf catches up with two unique personalities as well. CJ Kanuha is probably the lightest skinned Hawaiians I know, but being half Polynesian, the native blood pulses through his veins and his heart with passion, energy and aloha that we are so very lucky to share with you. Ito also brings us this look at CJ Kanuha.

Another character, Rico Jimenez has a prolific story. Rico has been a fixture at big Pipeline for decades taking extreme chances getting extreme tubes rides but also enduring some extreme spills and his life experience is just as colorful and inspirational. Nephew Chris Latronic catches up with Rico for a uplifting and enlightening look.

There’s various news, useful and useless tidbits, notes, images and yarns. The imagery is always a winner. Enjoy.


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