After almost two weeks of rain and crazy winds, finally Hawaii became Hawaii for a whole week. The island chain received 2 classic and very solid winter swells with super perfect conditions that ranged from super glassy mornings to light trade winds days and perfect evenings coinciding with one of the biggest swells of the season. Hope you enjoy this gallery, it was worked with tons of passion and respect for the ocean and the wave warriors that dare to explore it when is solid and epic. – gOnzo
Mark Healey, Waimea. Photo: gOnzo
Benji Brand Photo: gOnzo
Emi Erickson, Waimea. Photo: gOnzo
Photo: gOnzo
Waimea shorebreak. Photo: gOnzo
Andrew Jacobson Photo: gOnzo
Photo: gOnzo
Ivan Florence, Pipe. Photo: gOnzo
Koa Rothman, Pipe . Photo: gOnzo
Mikey Bruneau, Pipe. Photo: gOnzo