The Freesurf crew cut out of Oahu last week for an outer island getaway. Big mahalo to Mokulele Airlines. Look for the full feature in a future issue. Until then, here are some highlights from the Big Island of Hawai’i.
Kona side – Tyler Rock
Luke Heflin hard off the bottom-Tyler Rock
Dylan Franzman rock hopping somewhere in Kona-Tyler Rock
Zoe Mcdougal, laying tracks-Tyler Rock
Our beloved Mokulele Airlines pilots – Tyler Rock
Kahoolawe and Molokini – Tyler Rock
Big Island’s powerful beauty Kahanu Delovio-Tyler Rock
Haleakala-Tyler Rock
Big Island’s Mayor of surfing,CJ Kanuha, making a statement – Tyler Rock
Ocean Donaldson Sargis navigating a chunky section-Tyler Rock
Two traditions, one playground, Luke Heflin i his element -Tyler Rock
Loa Ng opting for the high line-Tyler Rock
Brodie Sale might be small in stature but makes that up with his frontside air-Keoki Saguibo
Maui boy Tony Nunez backhand attack at Banyans-Keoki Saguibo