Eli Olsen Photo Brent Bielmann

Music / Eli Olsen

Music has a big effect on emotions, I can be tired and dragging my feet and hear a song that gets me amped and I’ll just get this energy and excitement out of nowhere and I’m like motivated and thinking ok we got this haha or I could be just driving down the road and hear a song that makes you think of a friend who passed away that used to always play it and then you have this sad cloud above your head for a little. Music is powerful Music is important to me for so many core memories around the world, they can be like time stamps from different trips or places or people. You can not see someone for years and hear a song and it instantly brings you back to some hilarious moment with a friend and then I’ll shoot them a txt or call and check in and send love.

I did get inspired watching clips of Tupac speaking whatever was on his mind, he was so raw that people either loved him or hated him but he was true to himself. We live in a world where people are so scared to be honest because we don’t want to hurt peoples feelings or offend anyone but it’s getting out of control. I remember Andy irons having that same mentality. Just no filter with a hate it or love it approach. Thats not saying be a dick and don’t be compassionate for others because we never know what people are going through behind closed doors, but I do believe people should keep it real and speak their minds. Rhythm and music can effect your surfing just like how it can effect your mood/energy. I absolutely love Bob Marley but I’m not playing his songs before paddling giant jaws or before my heat in the Eddie haha I’m blasting some deep house or aggressive rap jumping up and down ready to go all in!


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