O’Neill | HAWAII LIVE 2023

As a surfer, there are very few places you’d rather be during the wintertime than Hawaii. Every year, surfers from all corners of the world convene in the Hawaiian Islands to prove themselves among some of the most dangerous, world-renown, and historical surf breaks around. This year, O’Neill’s power crew consisted of Soli Bailey, Jordy Smith, Kolohe Andino, Shion Crawford, Eli Olson, Torrey Meister, Blayr Barton, Caity Simmers, and Ian Crane. Filmed on Oahu’s North shore with the occasional strike over to Maui for Jaws’ swells, Team O’Neill took every opportunity possible to score world-class conditions.

Video: Jacob Vanderwork / @jacobvanderwork , Chad Christensen / @chaddy_witcz , Marc Chambers / @mauimarcc , Slater Neborsky / @slaterneborsky

Photography: Grant Ellis / @grantellis1

Editing: Jacob Vanderwork /@jacobvanderwork

Surfers: @solibailey , @jordysmith88 , @koloheandino24 , @shion_crawford , @eli_olson , @torreymeister , @blayrbarton , @caitysimmers , @ian_crane


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