Save Kirra

National Surfing Reserve lists reasons why cruise ships at Kirra won’t work

NSR Board position is total opposition to Kirra CST on the following environmental grounds. It would:

Stop all northerly sand transport causing the area from CST to Greenmount to be gradually smothered in sand, including Kirra Point, while to the north the CST there would be severe beach erosion back to the seawall up to Tugun and beyond. In effect destroy Greenmount, Kirra, Bilinga and Tugun beaches.

To overcome the above would require a permanent sand bypassing system, as at the Tweed and The Seaway, both of which cost Queensland taxpayers $ millions to run each year. However even with such a bypassing system the CST would still:

Destroy the public beach amenity of Kirra-Bilinga beach;

Modify the breaker and surf wave climate along Kirra-Bilinga-Tugun beach, generally lowering waves;

Place a massive rock structure on a natural section sandy beach and seafloor.

It is a totally inappropriate development in a National Surfing Reserve, which is also flagged to become a World Surfing Reserve. It would in effect destroy the one of Australia’s most iconic surfing ‘reserves’. NSR would ask the appropriate Minister to clarify the position of the Queensland government.

Other Kirra Developments:

Mick Fanning and fellow surfing champion Joel Parkinson will take part in a “Paddle-Out” protest at North Kirra on Sunday week (19 January) meeting at North Kirra 10am Qld time. Those who can’t paddle are being asked to turn up at the beach for a land-based protest.

Petition starter and Save Our Southern Beaches Alliance spokesman Andrew McKinnon said: “There should be no terminals or casinos on any section of the coastal strip from South Straddie to the Coolangatta Tweed border.”

COOLY KIDS / SAVE KIRRA from Shaggadelic's Home Movies on Vimeo.


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