2015 Manulele Awards Ceremony

The best night for Hawaii’s surfing happened Friday at Waimea Valley at the Freesurf Magazine ‪#‎ManuleleAwards‬ and the HUI O HE’E NALU (DA HUI) Backdoor Shootout awards ceremony. Also, mahalo Kona Brewing for keeping everyone not thirsty.

Super shout out to @davidwightglassart for crafting 5 beautiful works of art presented last night at the first annual Manulele Awards.

Manulele Awards Results

Ambassador of Aloha

1.Jack Johnson
2. Rainos Hayes
3. Dustin Barca
4. Duane DeSoto
5. Kahi Pacarro

Standout Male
1. John John Florence
2. Mason Ho
3. Jamie O’Brien
4. Dusty Payne
5. Kaimana Jaquias

Standout Female
1. Carissa Moore
2. Coco Ho
3. Tatianna Weston-Webb
4. Malia Manuel
5. Paige Alms

Standout Jr Male
1. Seth Moniz
2. Kalani David
3. Finn McGill
4. Josh Moniz
5. Maka McNamara

Standout Jr Female
1. Mahina Maeda
2. Summer Macedo
3. Moana Jones
4. Dax McGill
5. Honolua Blomfield

Most Progressive / Innovative
1. John John Florence
2. Mason Ho
3. Matt Meola
4. Clay Marzo
5. Albee Layer

Best Big Wave Performance
1. Shane Dorian
2. Billy kemper
3. Garrett McNamara
4. Makua Rothman
5. Mark Healey

All Around Waterman
1. Kai Lenny
2. Mark Healey
3. Kala Alexander
4. Billy Kemper
5. CJ Kanuha

Web Surfer
1. Jamie O’Brien
2. John John Florence
3. Albee Layer
4. Koa Smith
5. Matt Meola

Style Master
1. Mason Ho
2. Kelia Moniz
3.  Ola Eleogram
4. Evan Valiere
5. Kamalei Alexander

Power Surfer
1. Zeke Lau
2. Sunny Garcia
3. Kai Mana Henry
4. Pancho Sullivan
5. Kekoa Bacalso

Shaper of the Year
1. Jon Pyzel
2. Matt Kinoshita
3. Eric Arakawa
4. Wade Tokoro
5. Glenn Pang

Manulele Awards Gallery Photos: Tony Heff


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