John Weaver

AccesSurf Fundraiser

AccesSurf helps people with disabilities and their families to access the beach and ocean in a safe and therapeutic environment. On the first Saturday of each month at White Plains Beach, AccesSurf invites anyone with a disability to enjoy a free “Day at the Beach” with their ‘Ohana (family). Participants can explore their level of abilities by surfing, swimming, snorkeling, or enjoying shoreline flotation.

To accomplish their goals, AccesSurf held a fundraiser at Hawaiian South Shore Surf Shop’s Ward location on June 13th. Featuring the music of Mike Love and beer via Kona Brewing, much fun was had by all. A silent auction of surfboards, memorabilia, art, and services help AccesSurf continue their virtuous goals.
Thank you @mikelovemusic @hwnsouthshore @surfnewsnetwork @planetsunhawaii @hardrockcafe @konabrewingco @mauijim @pupukine @dukesoceanfest @barefootwine @bombereyewear @bostonpizzakapolei for supporting the AccesSurf Fundraiser. And also to Amazon Smile, Koa Beach Service, Finis, and Goodsearch who all donate to the program every month.
Find out how you can contribute at

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