JuneShine presents Opinionated Passion, a glimpse into the pragmatic and polarizing persona that is Albee Layer.
Athletes: Albee Layer, Matt Meola, Nora Vasconcellos, Sage Kotsenburg, Elliot Sloan.
Direction, Cinematography & Editing: Dan Norkunas (Take Shelter Productions)
Additional Cinematography: Forrest Dein, Elliot Leboe, Jon Spenser, Matt Meola, Marlon Lewis, Bruno Passos
Editing/SFX: Cody Carter
Graphics: Kahana Kalama
Music: Meg Myers (Red Light Management) and Musicbed
Helping hands: Todd Prodanovich, Sam Mcintosh, Dayanidhi Das, Ryan Craig, Jimmy Wilson, Ollie Shipp.