Surfing and your body

Your hip flexor and hamstring muscles are one of the most important groups of muscles necessary for long term mobility, stability and safety of your lower body.  Healthy, conditioned and well maintained hip flexors and hamstrings are necessary for preventing hip, knee and lumbar issues.  Acute or chronic pain in these areas can signify a medical concern to be addressed by your physician or health care professional.  If symptoms are found to be muscular in nature, then it is important to understand both why and what can be done to correct them.

These muscle groups are not as well known or understood as others are, perhaps due to their lack of visibility, even when they are well conditioned.  They are more brought to our attention when there is direct discomfort or pain in the muscle or joint that they operate as mentioned.  Although there are many ways to treat and address these areas, it helps to identify and understand the mechanics and value of each muscle.

Can tight or painful hip flexor or hamstring muscles affect each other?

Yes, but one does not necessarily lead to the other.  What they do lead to is lumbar issues. It is common to have symptoms of hip/hamstring pain from muscle weakness and/or tightness without symptoms of back pain.  With time however, as these areas become progressively weaker or tighter without adequate help, the lower back is affected.

How Hip Flexor and Hamstring Issues Contribute to Lower Back Pain

The health of your lumbar spine (specifically the L1-L5 vertebrae and discs) is directly affected by the action of the hip flexors and hamstrings.  When there is an imbalance present in any number of these muscles, the lower back can easily be subject to strain and injury resulting in pain.  Corrective action is necessary to reverse this imbalance and therefore reduce the risk of injury to the spine.

For more info about hip flexors and hamstrings, click here


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