Sharp Shooters

Kalani Minihan

Age: 20
Hometown: North Shore O’ahu, Hawaii

“What’s not to love about surf photography? We’re able to capture the beauty of what we’re lucky enough to play in every day.

I shoot with whatever I can get my hands on! The other day I shot with a waterproof disposable film camera and had a blast. When it comes to high resolution photos, I shoot with a Canon 7D mark II. I’ve just recently got into film photography so I’m also trying to get used to the Nikonos V.

I’m blessed to be surrounded by so many talented individuals. Amber Mozo, Brent Bielmann, Tony Heff, and Zak Noyle are the photographers that I’ve always looked up to. Their work always leaves me speechless.”

“We last saw Kalani swimming out at 15 ft Pipeline covering the DaHui Backdoor Shootout with a RED Camera. He also has lifeguard training and conditioning under his belt, which explains why he feels comfortable swimming out to XXL Waimea Bay. During the most recent swell, he was the only photographer in the water. Mom wasn’t comfortable with it, but told us she knows he is 150% committed to everything he does, so she is proud of him.” – Shannon Reporting


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